Monday, April 9, 2007

Images and art related to biblical texts

I find that artwork based on a biblical scene often provides students with fresh eyes to see the text. Students are also often hesitant to 'criticize' the biblical text, but they are much more open to 'criticize' and engage with an artistic representation of it. I have, therefore, needed to find sites that provide such artwork. I've created a web page with links to a variety of art, photo, and graphics sites here. I would especially highlight the following:
  • Biblical Art on the WWW - Start here first. Great database and has the benefit of thumbnail previews.
  • - Second place to look: organized by theme, Scripture text, or lectionary date
  • For BibleWorks users, the old illustrations by Nadal (16th century) and DorĂ© (19th century) have recently been compiled into an integrated help file resource available at the BibleWorks Blog.

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