Thursday, May 31, 2007

iTunes U. and Greek

On this thread in the BibleWorks forum, Michael Hanel notes that Concordia Seminary (LCMS in St. Louis) has posted quite a few lessons and lectures on the iTunes U. site. (HERE is the direct link.) As Michael notes,
There you will find some great things like an entire Elementary Greek course taught by James Voelz (author of a Greek grammar among other things), Lectionary at Lunch (weekly readings of the Hebrew and Greek text appointed for the Sunday), an entire course on Exodus and Torah, Day of Homiletical Reflection which includes two lectures by Leonard Sweet, etc.
There is quite a bit more, and these are all free downloads. Both audio and video are available. It will be interesting to see if this technological step proves to be popular/successful, but for now, this looks very cool to me.
AKMAdam provides additional comments on this offering at his blog.

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