Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Catching up...

Been away and simply catching up on some good sites:
  • Tyndale Tech Emails: David Instone-Brewer at Tyndale House has been providing an extremely helpful collection of online resources. I've previously referred to the font kit he provides on the site, but it is worthwhile to peruse his well-organized and annotated list of resources related to Bibles, fonts, translation, writing, etc. Be sure to check out the latest one on "Lexicons for Biblical Studies." In connection with this, he has provided an incredibly useful and handy lookup system for Hebrew/Aramaic, Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, and Akkadian at his 2LetterLookup site. Using data from the online lexicons, the user first chooses the language, then the first two letters of the word (this approach actually works quite well), and the entries appear in a linked pane. For Hebrew/Aramaic, you get links to Gesenius and Jastrow, for Greek to the Liddell&Scoot (from Persesus via Resurgence Greek Project = Re:Greek = the zhubert.com site now redesignated), for Latin to an abbreviated lexicon at Notre Dame, for Syriac to a PDF page from Payne Smith, for Coptic to PDFs of the Crum dictionary, and more.
  • Rubén Gómez on his Bible Software Review site has posted a very thorough and positive review of Logos3 Gold.
  • This is not new information, but if you have not yet checked it out, Roy E. Ciampa has been accumulating resources and has a great collection of links on his Resources for New Testament Exegesis page. There are some fine bibliography lists, and I especially like his Resources for Textual Criticism. On that page, you will want to consider downloading his Reference Charts for Textual Criticism PDF.
  • Another great resource I just discovered is Vernon K. Robbins' Dictionary of Socio-Rhetorical Terms.

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