Thursday, September 13, 2007

OCP = Online Critical Pseudepigrapha update

Excellent work continues to be done at the Online Critical Pseudepigrapha project. They just reported today a new critical edition of 2 (Syriac Apocalypse of) Baruch. The full Syriac text along with the Greek and Latin fragments is presented with textual notes. (Get to the text via the home page link so that you retain the frames.) They also posted the first eclectic text of the Visions of Amram, an Aramaic work found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. They also report that their site is now fully Mac-friendly. To whet your interest, here is a list of texts posted on their site:
Texts with critical apparatus
  • 2 (Syriac Apocalypse of) Baruch (NEW edition)
  • The Testament of Job
  • 1 Enoch (In progress)
  • Testament of Adam (In progress)
  • Psalms of Solomon
  • 4 Ezra
Texts without critical apparatus
  • Testament of Abraham
  • The Life of Adam and Eve
  • Visions of Amram (NEW)
  • The Letter of Aristeas
  • Aristeas the Exegete
  • Aristobulus
  • Artapanus
  • 3 (Greek Apocalypse of) Baruch
  • 4 Baruch (Paraleipomena Ieremiou)
  • Cleodemus Malchus
  • Eldad and Modad
  • Eupolemus
  • The Apocryphon of Ezekiel
  • Ezekiel the Tragedian
  • Vision of Ezra (NEW)
  • The History of the Rechabites (NEW edition)
  • Jubilees
  • The Lives of the Prophets
  • Assumption of Moses (Testament of Moses) (NEW)
  • 3 Maccabees
  • 4 Maccabees
  • Philo the Epic Poet
  • Pseudo-Eupolemus
  • Testament of Solomon
  • Theodotus

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