Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Bible Visualizations and Text Data Mining

OpenBible.info has another interesting post on ways of visualizing the Biblical text that links words of the text with photo tags at Flickr. I'm not sure how useful this one is, but it indicates another way we can try to 'see' the text. Perhaps most interesting are those verses for which no one has provided any matching Flickr tags. E.g., one of the blank spots is Nehemiah 10.25 which reads, "Rehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah." Go figure...
In a similar vein, Dan Cohen on his blog makes the following announcement:
I’m delighted to announce that beginning this summer the Center for History and New Media will undertake a major two-year study of the potential of text-mining tools for historical (and by extension, humanities) scholarship. The project, entitled “Scholarship in the Age of Abundance: Enhancing Historical Research With Text-Mining and Analysis Tools,” has just received generous funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
He also points to the MONK (Metadata Offer New Knowledge) Project. I'm not sure what all this kind of work will produce, but I'm interested enough to follow along for a while.

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