Monday, June 9, 2008

Linkwad - Another site-sharing resource

I described iBreadCrumbs in the previous post, and a comment suggested Linkwad as a better alternative. Both sites are free Firefox addins, both allow a person to accumulate sites into a group and store that group online, and both allow the group of sites to be shared. Here's what a linkwad group of LXX sites looks like.

Here are the differences:
  • The linkwad toolbar is a bit smaller, and it is easy to toggle it on/off which iBreadCrumbs (iBC) could not do.
  • Linkwad requires you to save each site you want while iBC records all the sites you visit. Linkwad probably ends up being less work, though, (especially if you stray from your designated task), because you only get the sites you explicitly want while iBC requires the removal of sites you happened to visit but don't want.
  • Setting up privacy is slightly different for each, but neither apparently allows you to change privacy later.
  • iBC has the advantage of allowing notes to be added to each site. Linkwad allows people to vote for sites that are more/less helpful.
Looks like I will probably use linkwad more often...

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