Friday, November 21, 2008

Catching up before SBL

Just a bunch of stuff that's been piling up to unload before I head off to SBL in Boston:
  • Rubén Gómez is once again very active on his Bible Software Review blog. He does an outstanding job of covering a lot of the things I'm also interested in on this blog. If you read this blog regularly, you should also add his blog to your reading list. I won't be repeating his work unless I have something additional to add.
  • Rick Mansfield on This Lamp has a nice review of Hebrew and Greek on the iPhone using an OliveTree app.
  • If you use Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek "Eutychus" has provided a helpful student aid:
It is a word document that contains verbs (tense stems and roots) that occur fifty or more times sorted by chapter in BBG. It seemed easier for me to study and review in this configuration as opposed to the verbs in alphabetical order. I am sure it is not perfect and I will update as I find errors.
>> To download the DOC file, go to this post on the BibleWorks forum. (Link fixed)
BTW, as I get time, I hope to provide some blog updates from SBL.

1 comment:

  1. The link for the forum posting doesn't work :(
