Monday, November 3, 2008

Digital Biblical Mapping Resources Presentation at SBL

I'm looking ahead to the SBL meeting in Boston in a few weeks. The full listing of programs is available here. Douglas Mangum at Biblia Hebraica has started pulling together a list of bibliobloggers who will be presenting. I hope he will add mine to the list:
Computer Assisted Research - 11/24/2008
9:00 AM
Room: Meeting Room 307 - CC
Theme: Digital Resources for Research and the Classroom
Mark G. Vitalis Hoffman, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg
Digital Resources for Biblical Maps and Mapping (30 min)
I've blogged quite a bit about digital biblical mapping resources, and this presentation will be an updating and a condensing of the presentation I did in January 2008 for BibleTech08. If you know of a great resource in this area that isn't listed on this page, please let me know. I also would like to hear of specific qualities or features you are looking for in maps. Why do you like/use some maps instead of others? What makes a map good or useful? Thanks for any comments.

If you plan to be at SBL in Boston, I would love to meet in person some of you who read this blog!

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