Thursday, November 13, 2008

ESV Study Bible on Digital Platforms

According to the ESV blog, their new study Bible has been selling extremely well. I don't plan to get it myself, but I like the idea that buying a hardcopy gives you the ability to access it online and save notes, highlighting, etc. What's more, according to a recent announcement:
Crossway is pleased to announce the forthcoming release of the ESV Study Bible on a wide spectrum of digital platforms, including Mac, PC, Windows Mobile, Palm, iPhone, Blackberry, Google Android, and Symbian.To achieve the widest possible digital distribution, Crossway has partnered with the leading digital software providers, including Accordance, Biblesoft, Laridian, Olive Tree, and WORDsearch, to make the ESV Study Bible available with all of its notes, articles, and features.
I'm not enamored with the translation, and the study notes do reflect an acknowledged 'conservative' perspective, but I do commend them for their business model. Crossway has been giving away the text for free on the Internet and encouraging its usage online, but they are demonstrating that even doing so, one can still run a viable and profitable company. With access to the text only (but with the ability to add notes and highlighting), check the ESV online here.
UPDATE: Some have noted that Logos is not on the list of software providers. From reports on the Logos forum, they are working on getting rights for the ESV Study Bible in Libronix format.

1 comment:

  1. It is also worth noting that the NLT Study Bible was released simultaneously in print, digital, and online versions.

    Anyone can get free access to the complete contents of the NLTSB online for 30 days, and buyers of a print edition get lifetime online access. The initial digital offerings also include Libronix, WordSearch, and Laridian.

    If you are going to be at ETS or SBL later this month, stop by the Tyndale booth to get a free code to download the Laridian version.
