Monday, March 2, 2009

Lutheran Study Bible Released

Augsburg Fortress Publishing has just released their new Lutheran Study Bible. I usually don't report such things on this blog, but this is a significant publication arising from my Evangelical Lutheran Church in America background, and, I am happy to report, I wrote the study notes for the Gospel of Mark. I have not yet seen a physical copy, but it is available in both hardcover and paperback. If you follow the link above, you can read more details, and you can also download some sample excerpts including the full book of Jonah with notes provided by my colleague, Kristin Johnston Largen. An official publicity blurb states:
This exciting new Bible features the NRSV translation as well as introductions, notes, and articles written by over 60 Lutheran pastors and teaching theologians. Reader-friendly, inviting, and engaging, this is the perfect study Bible for both youth and adults who want to encounter Scripture in a fresh and new way!
  • Lutheran theological and catechetical insights
  • Easy-to-read, plain English notes
  • Rich background information and Scriptural cross-references
  • Illuminating maps, charts, and diagram


  1. So which goes before the other on the bookshelf? Augsburg's "Lutheran Study Bible" or CPH's "Lutheran Study Bible, The"?

  2. Yeah, I have talked to the Augsburg folks about that. The difference in title is the "The LSB" of CPH and the "LSB" of AF. But which comes first on my shelf? Ummm... I don't use those books on my shelves if I can access it digitally!

  3. Is Augsburg getting theirs in Logos? CPH appears to be quite ready to do that -- of course CPH's is also months away from normal publication. I personally think the naming is unfortunate on both sides. Not that i'm not going to buy CPH's version. Gotta love denominationalism.

  4. Yea, I have no idea why Augsburg Fortress decided to call their Bible "Lutheran Study Bible" since they've known for a good long while that Concordia Publishing House had titled their Bible project: "The Lutheran Study Bible" ... and what is more, the AF Bible is a long way from being a "study" Bible. It's more like a Bible with notes sprinkled around in it.

    I've looked at the Concordia study Bible. Wow.

    Tom Goetz

  5. I'm not sure who knew what when, but the AF Lutheran Study Bible is available now. The CPH The Lutheran Study Bible isn't set for release until Reformation 2009. The CPH Bible does have much more extensive notes, but the AF one is certainly more notated than simply being "sprinkled" with notes.
