Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tavultesoft Keyman Web - Multilingual web input

I have just noticed that Tavultesoft, makers of the Keyman program for inputting characters for any kind of Unicode languages, has released a Keyman Web program. They describe it as "a multilingual input solution for your website":
With an increasingly connected global community and rapidly growing markets in Asia and Africa, the need for a simple and effective multilingual input solution has never been greater. KeymanWeb is a solution that works with:
* Any computer keyboard
* Any language
* Any web site
* Unicode
With KeymanWeb, your web site will provide better access to more users, enabling fast and efficient text input in their preferred language.
They offer a variety of subscription plans including a FREE one that allows for one keyboard and up to 3000 hits/month. (The next step up is unlimited keyboards and 10000 hits/month for AUD9.99 [about US$8] per month.)

If you want to give the Greek keyboard a try, go to my Scroll and Screen site. As depicted above, go to the bottom of the screen, click on the Search box, and you will see the Keyman Web toggle button. Click to choose Greek. Try something like λογος and you will get some hits drawn from my Greek class resources. (BTW, you will note that I am using a Google Custom Search I created to search across my various web sites.)

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