Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bibliographic and Research Tools - Summary

I've more thoroughly summarized some of these resources here.
Bibliographic Tools (organizing bibliographic data and exporting for use in footnotes and bibliographies)
Research Tools (especially looking for Scripture references in articles)
  • Index Theologicus at Tübingen - Biblical scholars should especially note the Scriptural Reference page. It a great help for finding articles on a specific verse.
  • Reference Search: Explicit Searches on Implicit References. This new search engine only works to search references to biblical/early Xn/rabbinic texts. (Check out the Reference List of works it is cataloging.) It will not direct to you online versions of those texts. It will find articles that mention that specific text.
Other resources to try:
  • Add Search Providers to Internet Explorer 7 or to Firefox (right click on search box)
  • Language Resources
  • Google Language Tools -Resources in 14 languages; can search pages in other languages; provides rough translations for web pages or text
  • lingro - Includes dictionaries (6 languages, and since it is open content, users can add to the dictionary and also create their own word lists for review), a web viewer, and a file viewer. Works by rendering every word on a page or document as clickable and providing a popup translation of choice.


  1. Thanks for the links. I appreciate the work you put into reviewing various products/websites.

    Zotero looks interesting, I've just installed it and will give it a try. It looks like it could be very useful in doing lit searches and keeping track of thoughts on materials I've looked at during research.

    I've been using microsoft onenote for much of this work, but I like the idea of having it build into my browser. I use firefox anyways, so it definitely won't hurt to give it a try.

  2. I tried OneNote for a bit while it was free in beta, but I haven't used the official version. I would be interested to hear what sort of experience others are having in using it as a research, organizational, or bibliographical tool.
