Sunday, November 11, 2007

Qumran / DSS Biblical Mss in Accordance and Logos

Logos has the "Qumran Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls Database" as a pre-publication offering.
The Logos Qumran Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls Database is the first database of the Qumran biblical scrolls. Features include:
  • Morphological tagging and English glosses for each word.
  • Fresh transcriptions of every biblical Dead Sea Scroll, including Greek fragments. The Logos transcriptions are substantially the same as those found in the DJD volumes, but are the result of a fresh, expert analysis that takes into account scholarly work done on the scrolls since the DJD volumes were published.
  • Parallel visualization schemes with other manuscripts.
Pre-pub pricing is $79.95. Sounds great, but it is still under development, and I'm not sure it will be the first...
Accordance just announced the release of the "Dead Sea Scrolls Biblical Manuscripts" which will be available at the SBL meeting in November 2007. (I was alerted to this by the notice on PaleoJudaica.) Manuscripts are presented in both canonical and manuscript order. Price is $150.
Both the Logos and Accordance versions are based on The Discoveries in the Judean Desert transcriptions with updates, so I'm thinking they are pretty much the same.


  1. Lest you allow Logos to steal Accordance's thunder, note that the pre-pub advertisement is
    "The Logos Qumran Biblical Dead Sea Scrolls Database is the first database of the Qumran biblical scrolls on a PC."

    It can't be the first if Accordance is releasing it this month :-) Even that claim isn't entirely true, as there are a number of PC users who utilize Accordance with a Mac emulator :-)

  2. Thanks, Danny. Yes, that is why I had worded my post carefully, because it appears to me that Logos is a bit over-enthusiastic in its claim to be "first." (Their quote does say "first" without qualification that it is for a PC, though they do add that limitation elsewhere on the pre-pub page.)

  3. Nearly two years later, the Dead Sea Scrolls for Logos is still in pre-pub?

  4. Accordance is indeed available now:
