In the previous post I showed how to create vocabulary or word frequency lists in Logos. I'll do the same now for BibleWorks7. There are actually three ways to create such lists in BW7 depending on what you want to do with them.
A neat feature in BW7 is the flash card module which provides a great way to memorize vocab. For this exercise, we are looking to create a list of all the words in 3 John and sort them according to frequency. Here is a 2 minute video showing you how to do that.
You can use the list in the flash card module to practice memorizing. With that list that is generated, you can also (using File > ) Print Flash Cards. (The print on 8.5 x 11 paper; use 2 steps to first print the front with the word, then the back with the gloss; then cut to size.) The frequency numbers, however, are those for the whole NT and not our particular range.
You can print out a more condensed list by going File > Print Review List. This will print out a tabular list with the word and the gloss, but there is no frequency data included.
There is another option in BW7 that uses the Word List Manager. Here is a 2'15" second video showing you how to that.
As noted in the video, you can export the list as RTF or TXT for use in any word processor, but that list will only give you the word and frequency (and no gloss/meaning). You can also use File > "Make Lexicon from selected words (to editor)" and choose which lexicon to make a much more thorough listing. Note that once the results have been copied to the BW7 editor, you can easily copy/paste it into a word file or you can save the file as a RTF document.
Finally, there is another really slick way to do this in BW7 that I think often goes unnoticed. This 1'45" video will show you how to powerful Report Generator tool in BW7.
The Report Generator is actually very helpful for creating a RTF file you can print and include with it all the versions, morphological analysis, lexical info, usage stats, etc.
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