I've been recommending Zotero for some time, so this is an incredibly easy way to integrate the two. It took less than a minute to import the nearly 300 references. Using Zotero's syncing feature, I will be able quickly to get all these references on my other computer as well. Also note the other bibliographical formats provided. Use the RIS file for importing in to Ibidem in Nota Bene.BibleWorks includes a number of common bibliography program import files that you can use in Zotero or other common bibliography programs. Included are bibliography import files in the following file formats:
RIS (Bibliography_RIS.ris)
Refer-BiblX (Bibliography_Refer_BiblX.txt)
Zotero RDF (Bibliography_Zotero_RDF.rdf)
BibTeX (Bibliography_BibTeX.bib)
Monday, March 2, 2009
BibleWorks8 Bibliographies Including Zotero, NotaBene, etc
I had previously reported that Logos had made it easy to export its resources into the Zotero bibliographic tool. I am now pleased to report that BibleWorks provides the same capability. As announced on the BW Forum, details can be found in chapter 62 of the Help file. There it states:
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