- The Holy Bible English Standard Version (ESV) FREE
- The Holy Bible: HCSB Digital Text Edition FREE
- NET Bible First Edition (with notes) $4.99
- ESV Study Bible $9.99
- NRSV Bible $12.99 or NRSV Bible with the Apocrypha $14.99
- The Message Remix 2.0: The Bible In Contemporary Language $9.99
- The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition $0.99 OR FREE download from OSNOVA (Thanks to CNB in Comments!)
- Koine Greek Bible: Septuagint, N.T., Apocrypha $1.99 (It appears that the NT is some edition of NA/UBS. No copyright or version info provided.)
- (Croy's A Primer of Biblical Greek $16.50: for my Greek students! There are quite a few Greek grammars, lexicons, and other aids available.)
- The Clementine Vulgate $0.99
- Interlinear Latin Vulgate (New Testament Bible) Vulgate Latin/Douay-Rheims English $3.99
FYI the SBL Greek New Testament is available for free directly from OSNOVA: http://osnova.com/2011/06/12/sblgnt/
ReplyDeleteFor the SBL GNT: The OSNOVA edition uses * for the siglum that marks a single word as having variants in the apparatus, ( ) for the sigla marking a phrase as having variants. For verses containing variants, the verse number is underlined; you click it to access the apparatus for that verse. Navigation is via search rather than TOC or index, which is pretty handy: just start typing a book abbreviation. Still, I imagine some users would like to have a TOC.
ReplyDeleteI gather from a review at Amazon.com that the Logos Kindle implementation uses a single siglum to mark both single-word and multiword places of variation. Maybe someone can describe navigation in the Logos Kindle implementation.
The Lutheran Study Bible (Concordia Publishing House) is also available, though it costs a hefty $34.99.
ReplyDeleteAmazon Kindle Store.
In addition to SBL GNT, we offer a bunch of other high-quality Bible publications for the Kindle. See http://www.amazon.com/OSNOVA-Kindle-Bibles-Study-Materials/lm/R329R6DTATQMFW/
ReplyDeleteFor example, http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Catholic-English-Latin-Vulgate-ebook/dp/B004D4ZR16/
Our store.osnova.com also carries publications that Amazon would not sell (e.g. Greek, Chinese, Russian, etc. Bibles/NTs)
We do have TOC, DVJ and several other navigation methods, see http://osnova.com/2010/12/09/279/