Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Book: Holy Bits: A Guide for Using Computers in Biblical Scholarship

Just received a review copy of Thomas Naef's A Guide for Using Computers in Biblical Scholarship. It's from Gorgias Press as part of their Bible in Technology series.
From the publisher's description:
Where on the internet can I find some reliable information about (or even images of) New Testament manuscripts? What should I consider before beginning to type a scholarly article about Pentateuchal Laws and their parallels in the Ancient Near East? You will find in this book answers to these and many other questions. It gathers information and experience in the field of "Biblical Studies and Computer". Some subjects being treated in the book are of a more general interest like hardware and networks, operating systems, textprocessors and others. The main focus however is on concise subjects for biblical scholars like Unicode, biblical software and websites in the field. Each chapter ends up with a list of URLs for further information about the subject. An online up-to-date link list is available.
I hope to have my review up soon...

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